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Excerpt from the tutorial:

This tutorial aims to provide a guide to creating a simple blog (resembling this “Jekyll Blog Creation Tutorial” blog) using Jekyll, a popular Ruby-based Static Site Generator (SSG) web technology. The target audience are individual webmasters that wish to maintain a personal blog website. The tutorial will cover Jekyll basics including installation, setup of the default Jekyll 3 Minima theme website, and exploration of a Jekyll website’s structure.

Since Jekyll includes several concepts and technologies, a select few will be focused on within this tutorial to facilitate learning of core skills required to create a simple statically-generated Jekyll blog website.

Several web-technologies (including Liquid (templating language), HTML and SASS, etc.) will be used to augment the simple Jekyll Poole theme with features useful to a blog website, i.e.:

  1. Page navigation-bar using HTML and Liquid to provide navigation to desired pages
  2. Post archive via Markdown and Liquid to allow navigation to specific posts
  3. Data-persisting form using jQuery, JavaScript, and HTML5 LocalStorage API to demonstrate integration of developing web-technologies within a Jekyll website

Development will be done on a Windows computer, however, Ruby hence Jekyll are cross-platform. The Git Bash command line prompt will be used for most commands, however, these have Windows CMD counterparts.

Through this tutorial, a webmaster will be able to create, augment, and maintain a statically generated simple Jekyll blog website whilst gaining valuable experience in using Jekyll and its associated technologies (e.g., Ruby, Liquid, etc.).